Renovating your office into an agile and activities based work environment.

Office renovation is a daunting task, but your company’s real estate is one of the most valuable assets you can leverage for business enabling. Transforming your office into an agile workplace increases your ROI on real estate, improves employee productivity and morale, engages potential clients, recruits and retains talent, and easily evolves with your company as it grows. In effect, this not only allows you to better compete with other companies for clients and top talent, but also to work faster and with higher quality results.

Space Creation evaluates your space and employees to create a unique workplace environment that supports your company’s workflow, goals and culture. Workplaces are not one size fits all, so it’s important to hire a design firm that takes every aspect of your organization into account when designing the workplace as a whole, and crafting independent work zones your employees need to perform.


Traditional Office Renovation

If you’re thinking about transforming your office from old school cubicles and drywall to next generation work stations and meeting pods, you’ve come to the right place. Space Creation understands how to blend the open and closed office environments your company needs to become an agile, activities based workplace.


Traditional, hierarchical based offices inherently come with a lot of office design mistakes. Mainly, they lack collaboration and innovation because they are designed with a company first mindset instead of a people first, holistic approach. The old school closed offices are walled environments that separate employees based on rank, keeps information in silos, aren’t up to date with technological demands, have poor lighting, and simply don’t motivate employees to perform and create.


Space Creation specializes in next generation, agile workplace design from concept and strategy to design and build. We base our floor plan designs on 7 different agile work zones arranged in a way that best suits your company’s work patterns, employee personalities, office acoustics and foot traffic.

Instead of cubicles, we build modular and acoustic work stations with height adjustable desks for standing while working. Instead of dry wall, we use acoustic glass with vinyl graphics for privacy and branding. Instead of unused private offices and conference rooms, we install phone booths, meeting pods and collaboration areas.


Closed and Open Office Renovation

Most companies can benefit by switching to more of an open office environment. As collaboration and the use of technology increase, the less fixed walls and private offices are needed, and even become a hindrance on business. 


Closed offices are just that, enclosed – confined, separated, removed, divided – by walls or traditional cubicles. To get anything done, you have to schedule meetings, knock on doors, make phone calls, ask around, wait for an email reply, talk to the right person or department, then try it all again.

Open offices, on the other hand, can be too open because of noise, lack of privacy, and improper floor planning or workflow design. If this is a problem in your office, we can update your existing floor plan to include privacy areas, be more acoustically sound, and improve productivity.  


Space Creation takes a holistic approach to ensure your workplace takes advantage of both open and closed environments your company needs to be more efficient. All companies need quiet areas to focus, but those areas need to be acoustically designed and placed in relation to how the rest of the office is being used. All companies need collaborative areas, but the type, location, integrated technology and size varies greatly.The answer isn’t 100% closed or open, it’s figuring out how much of each your company needs, then designing a floor plan with specific work zones and furniture relevant to those requirements. Next generation workplaces combine the use of both office strategies to optimize productivity, increase employee satisfaction and strengthen company culture.


Minor Commercial Remodelling

A lot of companies are happy with their overall office design, but just want to spice up the workplace with some modern updates. Maybe they need to add a phone booth or meeting pod for quiet phone calls and task work in their open office. Maybe they want to replace their old cubicles with acoustic and modular workstations that can be changed if necessary. Or maybe they want to renovate their walled off conference rooms into technology infused collaboration areas.

Space Creation’s office renovation team can assist in any area of remodeling, small or large. You can call or email to speak with us about consultations, planning, budgeting and scheduling of office renovations. Our goal is to deliver an agile work environment that boosts performance and strengthens culture. At Space Creation, we create an open and honest partnership to transform your office into the agile workplace you desire.
